How to sew a pencil pouch in easy way | diy pencil pouch | homemade easy pencil pouch tutorial

easy pencil pouch tutorial / box pencil pouch tutorial / box zipper pouch tutorial how to make a pencil pouch, pencil box pouch making, homemade pencil box pouch, diy pencil pouch easy, very easy pencil pouch, diy pencil pouch with cloth, diy box pencil pouch, sew box pencil case, how to make a zippered pouch with gusset I sew this diy pencil pouch in a easy way! This sewing tutorial is talking about two type of diy pencil pouch. The first one is the flat pouch, it is so easy to sew and it is no need to cut the fabric. The second one is the box pencil pouch, two more sewing steps added on the flat pouch to make it become a box pencil pouch. Both two types of diy pencil pouch are easy to make! This diy box pencil pouch is small size and slim. This diy pencil pouch sewing tutorial is step-by-step, you can easy to make diy pencil pouch at home by following the tutorial. Let’s get started! Finish size: length: 20cm width: 6cm height: Mat
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