Unusual and Strange Musical Instruments Compilation

Have a listen to some of the unusual instruments that I came across lately. Here´s some info to each instrument, followed by a link to the original video. #1 Factory Fan Bass: By attaching a disk with holes to the fan, it converts blinks of lights to electric signals and generates sound from a bass amplifier. Different numbers of holes can generate a musical scale, and turning on/off of the power makes it roar. #2 A nyckelharpa is a traditional Swedish musical instrument. It is a string instrument or chordophone. Its keys are attached to tangents which, when a key is depressed, serve as frets to change the pitch of the string. (no source) #3 The hammered dulcimer is a percussion-stringed instrument which consists of strings typically stretched over a trapezoidal resonant sound board. #4 The sador is the synthesis of the lute, the Indian sitar and guitar. h
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