Review Of The Year 1950 Record B (1950)

Various locations - looking back at the news events of 1950. Continued - see record a. All material should be found elsewhere in collection. Strikes in Britain. High angle shot of demonstrators fighting with police. Korea - North Korea attacks South Korea. “Communism on the march“ says the narrator. UN forces - American troops rushed from Japan. Baby sits crying in the road. United Nations meeting. Winston Churchill goes to Number 10 Downing Street to urge Prime Minister to recall Parliament. British navy departs for Korea. America, Turkey and Australia send troops. General MacArthur seen. All out attack launched - various shots of combat: amphibious vehicles, tanks, aircraft dropping bombs, gunfire etc. The liberation of Seoul. Capture of Chinese troops, prisoners of war. Columns of refugees moving their belongings. Clement Attlee flies to America and meets with President Truman. Shots of the Prime Minister in discussion with President Truman. Berlin celebrates the fifth birthd
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