China, Hong Kong Battered! Super Typhoon Saola, Storm Surge Bombards Without Mercy

China, Hong Kong Battered! Super Typhoon Saola, Storm Surge Bombards Without Mercy In neighbouring Fujian province more than 100,000 people in high-risk areas had been evacuated, according to state broadcaster CCTV, and schools in the cities of Quanzhou and Zhangzhou delayed the start of the new academic year until Monday. super typhoon saola china super typhoon saola taiwan tphoon saola shenzen Guangdong typhoon guadalajara flooding jalisco Storm Zapopan Floods Naucalpan hurricane idalia big bend storm surge key west flooding fort myers Treasure Island flooding myrtle beach hurricane idalia florida hurricane idalia tampa bay hurricane idalia nort carolina hurricane idalia south carolina hurricane idalia tallahassee hurricane idalia perry hurricane idalia jacksonville hurricane idalia palm beach hurricane idalia georgia hurricane idalia atlanta hurricane idalia miami hurricane idalia mexico hurricane idalia veracruz big bend charleston flooding sarasota beach hurricane keaton beach horseshoe beach cedar key live cam Valdosta hurricane idalia Savannah flooding Tallahassee floods Steinhatchee flooding idalia eyewall madison county crystal river Bayshore Boulevard St. Petersburg hurricane Fort Myers Clearwater flooding hernando beach valdosta georgia Gulf coast florida storm surge key west west virginia floods kanawha county flooding flooding west virginia flooding in chesapeake cedar grove flooding storm betty balearic island storm betty mallorca storm betty palma hurricane betty spain hurricane idalia typhoon goring miami flooding hurricane track hurricane live cam tropical storm idalia hurricane franklin huracan idalia cuba hurricane idalia havana tsunami earthquake hail storm germany hail in italy strong winds hurricane hilarry port charlote california hurricane hongkong typhoon typhoon saola #flood #tornado #cyclone #hurricane
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