
feeling angry This girl’s performance is really great Watch it out loud. It will be enjoyable. You remember OK? Control this feature well within yourself Do not hurt yourself or others. Remember Iranians Is this the daughter of actress Melina Javaji? Is it known that it will be implemented in this way? feeling angry which is a kind of psychological feature of human being. And it should be Iranians should know that you should be able to control this well Good feeling. So you know? This feature is as big as yours It is both good and bad. Be careful Dedicated to Iranian actors. Of course, Iranian actors They are much, much more beautiful and better than any actress. Look Enjoy the feeling of this lady’s face. In my opinion, that’s a lot that was perfect. Personal theory? Actors should know? Just speaking simple dialogue Doesn’t it affect the audience? Rather, it should affect the whole soul and body Use that dialogue? And play the role of a movie character Also integrate? And implement that this is an example? That for I think it is the most enjoyable feeling in the movie gives Pay attention to what the girl is laughing at after the end Of course, he doesn’t know? Is it my own psychology? What then is anger? He laughs Do you see? It means the same thing? Anger and laughter. It was a very interesting point for me. Finally clip. Watch it a few times to see how good it feels Beautiful feeling network Morteza, Iran, Azerbaijan
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