I’ll Take You Back - Words By: Gary Sigler

Gary Sigler Books Here - On Amazon - It is a great tragedy that people are walking around on the earth lost, not knowing where they came from or who they are. Even most of God’s people are in despair and despondency because they are living in a false identity, not being able to identify with their true nature. It is so sad that multitudes of people have a heart for God, yet they are so confused as to who they are, why they are here, and where they came from. Some of you have heard me minister on a song written by Linda Musgrove of Cunningham, Texas. For those of you who have not heard this song, I will quote it here: I’ll take you back to where you were in Me before the fall of man. I’ll restore your soul. I’ll reconcile your heart. I’ll give you back your true identity. I’m removing the veil from your eyes so that you can clearly see you will be with Me in paradise on this earth you’ll walk with Me. Listen to the song go here ’ll
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