The Eride Pro-SS FAILED ME // high speed range test and breakdown
I decided to go out and do a high speed range test averaging 50 mph to see what kind of results I’d get at those speeds. Turns out the bike has some weak spots when it comes to how the heat from the motor, controller and battery is distributed. The weather that day was in the high 50s to low 60s. I diagnosed the battery as the problem when I got home. I tried to plug in the battery as soon as I got back and realized it wouldn’t charge. I also noticed the battery was also pretty hot so I went ahead and let the battery cool down. After letting it cool for about 4 hours, I gave charging it another shot and it filled right up without issue. I went for another test ride and everything seemed back to normal. It was a little annoying knowing that this could happen but it was a lesson well learned.
00:00 - Ride Starts
12:45 - MidPoint Range Test
20:57 - 60MPH!
21:00 - Power Cuts Out
21:24 - Troubleshooting
25:01 - The Walk Begins
26:02 - Solution To The Breakdown!
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