Erwin Rommel and the Afrika Korps

When the Second World War began the major fighting was mostly confined to mainland Europe. Then after the fall of France and Battle of Britain things changed. Italy joined the war creating new a front in North Africa. Initially the Italians were allowed a free hand to do whatever they wanted, but failures in late 1940 and early 1941 lead to the Germany coming to it’s Ally’s aid. In February 1941 Germany created the Deutsche Afrika Korps and it would be lead by Generalleutnant Erwin Rommel, a star in the Battle of France. From 1941 to 1943 the Afrika Korps, with their Italian comrades, would deal heavy blows to the Allies and continuously frustrate them. The music is the Instrumental version of the Afrika Korps song Unser Rommel. If you want to see another video of another army not well known here’s the link to the Forest Brothers video:
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