Osamu Tezuka - The Father of Japanese Anime - Video Essay

Osamu Tezuka Video Essay Everyone knows how Walt Disney gave us what we think of now to be “cartoons“, but in Japan, he also, in many ways, gave birth to what we think of as “Japanese Anime“. Osamu Tezuka went from a young boy working in a factory, to the father of Japanese Anime, all thanks to Walt Disney. But, over the years, anime has lost its way from how it originally started, something that prominent figures in the anime world have talked about for years. ★☆★Help Me Get to 50,000 Subscribers! ★☆★PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO!! ★☆★PREVIOUS VIDEOS: Mickey Mouse - From Cultural Icon to Copyright Crusader what happened to Taylor Swift? How Dave Chappelle writes his jokes Logan, The Dark Knight, and Superhero movies that aren’t Superhero movies The biggest problem with “Death Note“ Why American adaptations of Japanese anime will ALWAYS
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