CFD tutorial with OpenFOAM (LES) - Buoyant helium plume

Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of Sandia’s 1m helium plume test case with OpenFOAM . The video shows the helium mass fraction (left) and the velocity magnitude (right). The base mesh is comprised of 6 cm cells with a cylinder (2 m in diameter) refining the grid size to 3 cm and another cylinder (1.5 m in diameter) refining the grid size to 1.5 cm. This change in grid size can be seen at the local velocity magnitude at heights of approximately y =1.5 m - 2 m. Click here to SUBSCRIBE: GitHub link of the tutorial: Interested in turbulence and/or buoyant plume modelling with OpenFOAM? Check the following links: Maragkos - On the use of dynamic turbulence modelling in fire
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