The Lumberjack Squat

🚀 Coaching Forums 🚀 T Nation Articles If you struggle with squat depth or if your wrists, elbows, or shoulders hurt, try the lumberjack squat. Or just do it because it’s an extremely effective lower-body exercise. Though similar to the goblet squat, it offers the benefit of being able to go heavier. If you’re familiar with landmine squats, you may be confused about why I use a bench for these. The bench minimizes the risk of getting hurt while picking up and putting down a heavier load. And it prevents you from tiring out while getting into position. You don’t want picking up the bar to be the hardest part of the work set. You might think the bench setup isn’t worth it. Well, you’d be wrong. Try it and you’ll quickly figure out how comfortable the starting position feels. It’s safer too. (A plyo box may work too.) Setting up in this way also helps standardize squat depth, and it m
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