Harbour For Kariba (1961)

Harbour for Kariba. Rhodesia. L/S Elevated Kariba Dam. L/S Lake which has built up behind the dam. L/S Victoria Falls. L/S Victoria Falls. L/S Pan, Kariba Lake. L/S Government survey boat on lake, it is of the catamaran type. L/S African workers on site for harbour. M/S Pan, African workers. M/S African using pickaxe. M/S Bulldozer shifting earth. L/S Bulldozers at work. L/S Steel reinforcements for the harbour wall which has been erected. C/U African steel erector at work. L/S Pan, reinforcements where wall will eventually be. M/S African woman with baby on her back entering thatched hut. M/S Small African boy walking towards camera carrying vegetable and wearing a loin cloth. L/S Pan, white painted houses where Africans are now living. M/S African children. L/S Looking out across the lake. C/U Weeds at waters edge. L/S Lake. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES.
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