昴 すばる Subaru - 谷村新司 Shinji Tanimura (Re-arranged HD version) 2K

Once in a while a song comes along and takes your heart to a place you never knew existed. This is one of those songs. Brilliant Composition, touching lyrics, and moving rendition, all created by Shinji Tanimura (谷村新司), a renounced Japanese singer, composer and lyricist. This song was first released on 25 April 1980 and was an instant hit in Japan and Asia. There have already been many videos published in Youtube for this song, but just thought I would add this HD version to the list. I have taken from the sources listed below and acknowledged them accordingly. The video was sourced and edited from the 2002 concert in China. Er Hu (二胡), a Chinese musical instrument (see link below), was edited out from this video as it is not featured in the song. My apologies to the beautiful lady who played the Er Hu. 昴(called “Subaru“ すばる in Japanese) is a cluster of stars known as the Pleiades (Seven Sisters, Messier 45) located in th
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