Making the Smell of Rain

Doing this project has been a goal of mine for many years and it finally happened (proud chemistry noises)! How to secure an exclusive Geosmin sample: Join the ’Sample enjoyer’ tier on Patreon: I will be able to see your details, you don’t need to send them to me separately. (You are free to cancel or downgrade your subscription after the first payment, you will still receive your sample) or Paypal: Donate EUR 25 ($26) or more via paypal and include your name, address, postal code, country and email in the description and I will send you a sample ASAP. (for me to be able to send you something, some countries like USA and UK require an email! This is in case it ends up on a pickup location) Make sure to put the payment as friends/family for me to avoid paypal charges and them locking access to the payment for 30 days. If there is any trouble from paypal
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