Жизнь в стиле Дзен | Философия ZEN по шагам | Zen Ambient Music

The task for a Zen practitioner is to see the uniqueness, simplicity and essence of each thing. And having seen this - to find harmony with the world, each thing in it and himself. A man of Zen philosophy is not attached to anything, and does not reject anything. He is like a cloud, which moves wherever he wants. He lives with an open heart and lets life flow through him calmly, accepting all its gifts: grief and joy, gain and loss, meetings and partings. To be Zen is to do everything perfectly. To be completely misguided, to suffer a stomach ache, to watch a butterfly, to make soup, or to make a report. This is how you are able, setting aside preconceptions and limitations, to penetrate the essence of life itself. Right now. Zen philosophy is right in front of you in this moment.
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