Chinese & Vietnamese Railways - Yunnan Meter Gauge Rwy at Hekou and Cross Border Trains into Vietnam

My visit to the Chinese/Vietnamese border exploring the meter gauge railway around Hekou. As well as the Chinese DFH21 diesel hydraulics, one can also find Vietnamese trains bringing in long trains of raw materials. The bulk of these are ex-Chinese DFH21’s which have been remotored with Caterpillar engines and are now in their own livery. Occasionally other Vietnamese can be found. This is a very beautiful almost tropical part of China and experiences huge amounts of rainfall in a very humid and hot climate. Fortunately a massive storm held off for me until after sunset and I had a fantastic day with a good amount of trains and local hospitality. Hekou, Yunnan province - 21 April 2016 You can read more about my visit on my 2016 trip report here : If you liked this video, please send me a like and subscribe to the channel. A lot of new content is on the way and your support helps and is greatly appreciated.
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