Wildfire Warriors | RT Documentary

RT Documentary’s Wildfire Warriors gives an account of what the Russian Aerial Forest Protection Service job looks like, how they fight forest wildfires and what risks they face in the process. Though the job is hazardous, as the firefighters have brushes with death every day, the people who have chosen it stay true to their choice for decades. Anatoly Burmakin, a shot firer with the Aerial Forest Protection Service, has worked there for 41 years and doesn’t regret a day, “When there’s a state of emergency or large wildfires — we get mobilised and tackle fires almost all across the country.” And this is the schedule for all members of the Aerial Forest Protection Service. Not everyone can manage such a workload aggravated by constant life risks. Firefighters think that if you survived two years on the job and didn’t break, then you’ve come to the right place. When the Aerial Forest Protection Service chose this job, they knew they would have to stay away from home for months and be ready to get
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