The Life and Times of Ernest Miller Hemingway (in approximately 3 and a half minutes)

2k subscribers later. This video was originally intended to come out months ago after the April fools video, and even before my announcement video, but things got complicated. I was moving to a new school, made new friends, and got a whole load of new responsibilities (plus hollow knight) and my channel just sort of became a wasteland for a few months. But I’m so glad that I finally finished this, because I can now focus on other projects I have in mind for this channel, I have a whole lot of hollow knight animatics queued up, and I’ll be releasing them over the course of November, so you have that to look forward to. Also, I know that there are probably a lot of historical mistakes in this video, and if there are, please tell me, because I’m interested to learn more about this lunatic. Also, if art styles change during the video, that’s because I was working on this on and off for the past 6 months, and over those past 6 months my art style has changed, as well as the brush size. So glad to be back on YouTube. Hope you enjoy, and thanks for 3k. Original Audio:
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