Barry and Robin had got together briefly this year to try and maybe find a way back as a two piece. We all know how much Robin wanted it but Barry put the brakes on, not before they fulfilled their booking to appear on Strictly( the UK version of Dancing with the stars). My heart broke for Robin watching this, he was so happy to be back performing with his brother, it’s all he ever wanted He smiled and moved the whole way through this, loving it - I didn’t get the same vibe from Barry. I thought perhaps that Barry may have been a little irked by our late great Bruce Forsyth who introduced them as Barry & Robin Gibb - the BeeGees. Whoops Bruce! Barry wanted the BeeGees name to end when Mo passed. They still did a great performance but watching it now I feel so sorry for Robin, little did he know Barry was going to pull the plug and go off to LA. It’s well documented that Robin was devastated not to be performing with Barry as a twosome. I think his health went downhill from there. The next time they saw
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