[달항아리.一念] The Master of Pottery 중요무형문화재 105호 백산 김정옥.wmv

tel: 82-02-733-3935 email: balalaika@ The Master of the Pottery Important Intangible Cultural Property of the Republic of Korea Baeksan Kim Jeong-ok, to be unique in Korea. History Honored and Prestigious Family of Joseon Dynasty’s White Porcelain praticing in pottery traditions for 250years of nine genarations. This is unprecedented in History, in Korea, in the World. 陶瓷部門 最初 名匠 陶瓷部門 國內 唯一 重要無形文化財 105號 沙器匠 白山 金正玉 國內 唯一의 朝鮮王室陶瓷 九代 家門 嶺南窯 初代 金就廷,
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