Beat chest, belly

Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes. 1. Promote internal blood circulation, remove garbage and waste water. 2. Improve digestion function. 5-7 minutes a day The chest and abdomen are the core of life energy. The most important things in human life are the five viscera, the heart, the lungs in the chest, the liver, the spleen in the abdominal cavity, and the kidneys in the lower abdomen. The internal organs are deep in the body, and the limbs can move, but the internal organs have a hard time making them move. We can use Chinese Qigong to exercise the internal organs, or we can use the way of beating to practice, and the beating is relatively simple and convenient. Keep practicing and you will improve. The body is an intelligent system, we must learn to use it properly, if you do not have time, it is recommended to start daily full-body exercises, this is the easiest
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