Разговорный английский Episode 15 The end of the meal

разговорный английский Научу вас разговаривать по-английски. Вы сможете общаться с носителями языка, и они скажут, что у вас хороший уровень. Записывайтесь на пробное занятие прямо сейчас - - So, Jenny, I hear it’s your birthday today. - Yes, that’s right. - Well, happy birthday. - How do you normally celebrate? - Erm, nothing special. Maybe I go out for dinner with friends or see a movie. - Well, we could go out somewhere. After dinner. - Would you like a dessert? - Not for me, thanks. - OK, no. - Coffee? - A decaf espresso. - Same for me, please. - Two decaffeinated espressos, certainly sir. - You know Jenny you’ve got beautiful eyes. - I get them from my mother. - Anyway, what are your plans for the July edition of the magazine? - The July edition ... I ... - I have to take this. Sorry. - No problem. - Hi Barbara. - Jenny just a quick call. - We rea
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