[OB] 04. Outcast

DISCLAIMER: the stories/images presented in following album are pure fiction and should be treated as novels. Following any of described immoral actions that break the law is discouraged. Any similarity to actual person, living or dead, or past event, is purely coincidental. Some people may find the content as disturbing or unpleasant. ~~~ === CRIMINAL RECORD === Male, 16, found dead in school toilet. 13 other lethal victims: 6 male and 6 female students, one adult female teacher; several people were injured. All victims have been shot in head twice; some of them were found with another few shot wounds in another body parts (count and placement irregular). Used firearm was an improvised short gun. The alleged cause of shootout, according to perpetrator’s classmates witness report, was rejection by girl on Valentine’s Day. Teachers reported that the perpetrator was a “loner with no friends, addicted to technological devices and the Internet“. There were several re
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