A World Without Beethoven? | Music Documentary with Sarah Willis (full length)

“What would the world be like without Beethoven?“ That’s the provocative question posed by this music documentary from Deutsche Welle. To answer it, the film explores how Ludwig van Beethoven’s innovations continue to have an impact far beyond the boundaries of classical music, 250 years after his birth. What would be missing from jazz or from film music, for example, if Beethoven had never created his many innovations? Would the concert business exist as we know it today? And how has it changed the role of the artist? Sarah Willis, horn player with the Berlin Philharmonic, sets out on an entertaining and informative journey in search of answers. She meets people from around the world – musicians, managers and even politicians – to follow the traces of Beethoven’s influence. Sarah’s journey begins with the most famous four notes of classical music and their immense influence on pop music. “It all started with Beethoven,“ says Scorpions guitarist Rudolf Schenker ab
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