Throw caution at the wind - English Vocabulary Lesson # 107
At some point of time in your life, you may have taken a bold step without considering its consequences.
The idiom ’throw caution to the wind’ actually means taking a great risk without worrying about negative or unfavorable results.
When you are not cautious and act carelessly, you throw caution to the wind.
It means you stop caring about the possible dangers and start taking risks.
If you throw something to the wind, it means you are not being cautious and you are letting the wind blow it away and out of your reach. So you take a bold decision and are not scared of the outcome.
In the idiom ’throw caution to the wind’ , ’throw’ is a verb in the present form, ’threw’ and ’thrown’ are verbs in the past and past participle forms respectively.
For example, If you want to start a new business, you invest a lot of money and overlook any potential disaster, it means you are taking a big risk that could cost you a fortune in case of failure. So you are throwing caution to the wind.
Example 01 : Despite expecting unfavorable weather, the fisherman threw caution to the wind and went fishing.
Example 02 : After working the entire night, John threw caution to the wind by sleeping through his lecture.
Example 03 : Sally threw caution to the wind by opting for the Botox treatment even after knowing about its harmful effects.
Example 04 : After the stock market crashed, Peter regretted throwing caution to the wind by investing a huge amount in it.
Example 05 : Drug dealers continuously throw caution to the wind by being involved in an illegal practice.
Example 06 : At the interview, James was confident even though he threw caution to the wind when he faked his qualifications.
Example 07 : Anthony didn’t want to throw caution to the wind by going to work when he was very unwell.
Example 08 : Kevin threw caution to the wind by flirting with his colleague even though he was married.
Example 09 : Lisa is so addicted to alcohol, that she throws caution to the wind by drinking even while driving.
Example 10 : Michael is known for throwing caution to the wind for performing daring stunts.
When was the last time you threw caution to the wind? Was it worth it?
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