Caitlin Hulcup - Apri le luci - Catone in Utica - Vivaldi

Live recording of the concert version, 10 January 2014, Théâtre des Champs-Elysées. Kindly provided by France Musique. *** Dear COPYRIGHT HOLDER, if you have any problems with this being on YouTube, please contact me, and I will remove it immediately. Thank you! Please buy this excellent CD here: Picture by Niklas Björling Rygert (detail) Playlist: TCE cast: Colin Balzer, Catone (CD: Topi Lehtipuu) Caitlin Hulcup, Cesare (CD: Roberta Mameli) Sonia Prina, Marzia Ann Hallenberg, Emilia Nerea Berraondo, Fulvio (CD: Romina Basso) Ana Quintans, Arbace (CD: Emöke Baràth) Orchestra: Il Complesso Barocco Direction: Alan Curtis More information on the CD and the opera: Act I, Scene X; text by Pietro Metastasio CESARE Apri le luci, e mira il mio costante affetto. Per te il mio cor sospira e non l’intendi ancor. E in tacita favella co’ soli miei sospiri ti copro, o bella fiamma, che m’ardi il cor. CAESAR’S ARIA Open your eyes, and see my constant love. For you my heart sighs but you don’t hear it yet. And in silent speech I cover you, oh fair flame that burns my heart, with my sighs alone.
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