How to: Hack the company, before someone else does it for you - STÖK - SecurityFest2023
It doesn’t matter if you are a Pentester, Bughunter, Defender, Sysadmin or just plain curious. If you aren’t trying to breach the company’s systems, someone else on the internet is going to try and do it for you (without approval). In this presentation, you will learn how to setup an “External Attack Surface Management“ (EASM) automation workflow using the latest tools and techniques created by the bug-bounty community. So you can go to sleep at night, wake up rested. Knowing you can start your day with a steaming hot cup of coffee, and a freshly baked todo list of vulnerability notifications in your slack to pwn or secure.
About Fredrik “STÖK“ Alexandersson
STÖK is a hacker/creative passionate about learning new things and sharing his experience. For the last 3 decades, he has professionally hacked anything from computers/tech to marketing, fashion, communication and the human mind. HACKERS GONNA HACK. CREATORS GONNA CREATE. GOOD VIBES ONLY.
About Security Fest 2023
Join us on May 25-26
This summer, Gothenburg will become the most secure city in Sweden! We’ll have two days filled with great talks by internationally renowned speakers on some of the most cutting edge and interesting topics in technical information security! Our attendees will learn from the best and the brightest, and have a chance to get to know each other during the lunch, dinner, breaks in the sponsor area and of course the awesome after-party!
Please note that you have to be at least 18 years old to attend.
Highlights of Security Fest
Interesting IT security talks by renowned speakers
Breakfast sandwich, lunch and Thursday’s dinner included
Great CTF with nice prizes
Awesome party!
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