Danny MacAskill and Drop & Roll - Cruising Vol.1

Danny MacAskill and Drop & Roll - Cruising Vol 1 Back in the summer of 2021, with news of our first Drop and Roll shows in 2 years on the horizon, myself and Duncan Shaw decided to dust off the tour bus, load up the trials bikes and head out for a couple of days to explore what riding the Welsh coast had to offer, before then travelling North to more familiar sights on the shores of Scotland... Shot 100% on GoPro “Cruising“ takes you along for the ride as Danny Macaskill and Duncan Shaw traverse along the shores of North Wales and North East Scotland in the search for some new spots to e...xplore on their trials bikes! Danny Macaskill: Duncan Shaw: Drop and Roll Tour: Filmed by Rory Semple Edited by Paul Macdonald Special thanks to all of the Drop and Roll Partners who made this all possible: Adidas - FiveTen: Continental:
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