Contemporary Art: the Topology of Art pt 5 - Giuseppe Alletto

#contemporaryart #topology #topologyofart #giuseppealletto #philosophyofart Contemporary Art: the Topology of Art pt 5 - Giuseppe Alletto The iconoclastic gesture produced by the modernist artwork works, of course, not only as a manifestation of artistic subjectivity understood as pure negativity. This gesture had the positive purpose of revealing, in the work of art, its pure presence. It was aimed at establishing, as Malevich put it, the “supremacy of art“ by freeing it from its submission to mimetic illusion, communicative intention and the traditional requirements of immediate recognition. Too often characterized as “formalist“, Modern art can hardly be defined only in formal terms. Modernist works of art are too heterogeneous on a formal level to be subsumed under a purely formalist criterion. Rather, modernist art can be characterized by its particular claim to truth: in the sense of being present, conscientiously visible, imme
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