Guitar cover of “Fear Inoculum“ by TOOL with on-screen tabs - learned by ear.
Hope you enjoy the video! Please post your suggestions! :)
Holy fucking shit. I still can’t believe that this is happening. Sorry for being late to the party, but I hope my tabs can still help. This song is amazing and I’m so hyped for the album.
Since the band is not recording to a click, I synced the tab to a metronome - likewise to the live videos of Invincible and Descending.
Tuning: Drop D (D A D G B E)
Tabs have been updated according to the corrections listed below!
77: Likely to b
...e played like this, because in Descending is a similar riff. Could also be played on the A string
85: This could also be played on the A and D string. I chose to play it like this, because the hammer-ons to the 7th fret always sound exactly the same to me and hence those positions are more comfortable for me. The second chord could also be 5-3-2-X-X-X
135: Could also be played with pull-offs/slide from the 8th fret to the 7th - likewise to Pushit
147: Could also be played only using the 7th fret
179: Double tracked guitar (one with Wah-Wah, one clean distortion)
186: Could also be played using the 10th and 12th frets from the D-, A-, and E-string
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o Guitar: Epiphone Les Paul 1960 Tribute
o Amplifier: Kemper Profiler
- Amp: 69’ Marshall 50
- Cab: 3rd Power Switchback 212A
o Audio Interface: Focusrite Scarlett 18i20
o Website -
o Official Audio -
0:00 - Intro (A)
1:18 - Intro (B)
2:22 - Verse (C)
2:43 - Interlude (D)
2:53 - Verse (B)
3:36 - Pre-Chorus (E)
3:57 - Chorus (F)
4:40 - Verse (A)
4:51 - Verse (B)
5:02 - Pre-Chorus (E)
5:13 - Pre-Chorus (C)
5:23 - Chorus (F)
5:51 - Bridge (G)
6:27 - Bridge (H)
6:45 - Bridge (I)
7:02 - Bridge (J)
7:19 - Bridge (K)
7:54 - Bridge (G)
8:28 - Bridge (J)
8:46 - Bridge (L)
9:01 - Pre-Solo (M)
9:32 - Solo (N)
10:04 - Outro (O)
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