Female Duo Aerial Silks Acrobatics Circus Act Variety Performance Entertainment

Contact irina@ tel 0044 (0) 7967178785 More info - Show Productions Ltd is an International Circus and Events Agency with a wide database of quality acts which are available for bookings. We offer a wide variety of acts whether you require a single spot to cover a few minutes or a complete full scale show. Please browse through our act category section found here:- ACROBATIC ACTS ADAGIO ACTS AERIAL ACTS ANIMAL ACTS COMEDY/CLOWNING ACTS EQUILIBRIUM/HAND BALANCE ACTS GERMAN WHEEL ACTS CYR WHEEL ACTS EQUILIBRIUM ACTS HAND BALANCING ACTS HIGH/LOW WIRE ACTS HULA HOOPS ACTS JUGGLING/FOOT JUGGLING ACTS MAGIC/ILLUSION ACTS QUICK CHANGE ACTS ROLLA-ROLLA-BOLLA ACTS ROLLER SKATING ACTS SPECIALTY ACTS WHEEL OF DEATH ACTS BOOK ACT FOR A PARTY UNUSUAL ACTS EXTREME ACTS ACT FOR HIRE BMX BIKE ACT SLACK WIRE ACT CIRCUS ARTISTES C
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