Escalating Tensions: Russia Fires Yars Nuclear Missiles to Intimidate Whom?

Russia’s Yars Intercontinental ballistic missile system has been undergoing rigorous testing for several years, including recent tests in October and November 2023. This formidable missile system is a crucial component of Russia’s “invincible weapons“ and forms the backbone of its ground-based nuclear arsenal. However, the latest test results have raised concerns among Western countries, particularly since Russia’s recent withdrawal from the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, known as CTBT. This decision has sparked deep worry and apprehension among the United States and its Western allies, who perceive it as a significant step in the wrong direction. The Yars missile system has been creating quite a stir lately, leaving many to ponder what makes it such a cause for concern among Russia’s adversaries. Given Russia’s recent departure from the CTBT treaty, it is natural to wonder if this Intercontinental ballistic missile poses a substantial danger to Western countries.
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