Does removing public hair cause more infections? 2nd part workshop.
We show you in a practical way the examination of this patient in these sensitive areas, such as breasts, pubes and vulva, to rule out the presence of folliculitis, caused by the hair removal of these areas. We show that the distribution of the hair that she presents is completely normal, which is in the shape of a triangle, the man has it in a rhomboid shape.
We explain the advantages and benefits of doing it with different techniques, as well as answering the question of whether this causes a greater number of infections. We remind you that we have our platform with many examples of this type of videos without censorship and in a clear way, to do this you have to go to www. my name . com
Te mostramos de manera práctica la revisión de esta paciente en estas areas sensibles, como pechos, pubis y vulva, para descartar la presencia de foliculitis, originada por la depilacion de estas areas. Mostramos que por la distribución del vello que ella presenta es completamente normal, que es en forma de triangulo, el hombre lo tiene de forma romboidea.
Te explicamos ventajas y beneficios de realizarlo con distintas ténicas, asi como respondemos la duda de si esto origina mayor cantidad de infecciones. Te recordamos que tenemos nuestra plataforma con muchos ejemplos de este tipo de videos sin censura y de manera clara, para ello tienes que ir a www. mi nombre . com
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