За Орду! Doing the job right! Questing for the Horde (Learning Russian through WOW)

We continue the adventures of Vankasam! Our proud villanous death night will continue questing for the horde and finishing the tasks they need to grow in power! In turn, this allows Vankasam himself to also gain vasts amount of power! Join him and find out what will happen next! In this stream series, we will be exploring the lands of Azeroth (and I the game of WOW) and using this opportunity together to learn the Russian language! So if you love games and languages like me, I hope you can find this helpful, or at least motivational! #language #learning #videogames #WOW #learningwithgames #russian #worldofwarcraft #stream #рекомендации #русский #игры #язык Shout Out to Others: (only if you want to tip! This content is for free and for fun!)
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