Der Frachter Am Abend - Sk​æ​rtorsdag

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “Maundy Thursday Remember this sacrificial lamb Remember this living bread With it falter all the damned All our misery and dread And drink your wine, but remember the blood From which that gift did come Remember the pact that was made with God When my judgement sees me done The shepherd will be hunted down The flock it will be spread Galilee will see once more my crown Resurrected from the dead Peter refused to believe the words he spake And said out loud and clear If I have to die for my brother’s sake I’ll do it now and here But at the first of the rooster’s crows Peter said: “I understand not” At the second crow, his weakness did grow “No, I know him not” But worse yet, it was that night The priests knew, it was too late It turned out Jesus was just right A kiss did seal his fate By one betrayed, by one bereft For money and from fear Captured by soldiers, no one left To shout: “flee, over here!” A gruesome and babaric tale Would turn to celebration The pharasees, oh they did fail The prohpecy swept the nation from Æ P​å​sk, released April 13, 2014“
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