Welcome to our TREEHOUSE! Easy DIY Project For Beginners with Pallets and Workshop Gadgets

Making a treehouse from scratch using things everyone can easily find. Ok folks, today we decided to get a bit adventurous and create a cozy treehouse – kinda like the ones we had in our “secret clubs” as kids. This would be the perfect hideout when you want to relax and free your mind. First, we took four large, long, pointy wood pieces and built a sturdy foundation from the treehouse. Then we started adding more to make it safe for everyone. When the foundation was created, we took four wooden pallets to make the floor. Then, we took some wooden panels and laid them on the bed to give it a smooth surface, and we used nails to secure them down. We added the ladder to allow everyone to get in and then fancy flooring to make it cute and cozy. We’ve painted its beautiful green color to make it stand out and used a large picture frame to create a window. We used flowers to decorate the deck for the finishing touches and added a beautiful entrance mat for our visiting guests. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------— Our Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Subscribe to 5-Minute Crafts GIRLY: Subscribe to 5-Minute Crafts KIDS: Subscribe to 5-Minute Crafts MEN: The Bright Side of Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: Music by Epidemic Sound:
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