shaʇehouu/. - Broken Dolls

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “*English translation at the bottom* ただ、君が始めたことに終止符を打ち 僕を気休め程度に埋葬してほしい 僕らは過去に存在し得なかった何かの残像 保証されたものといえば、味気ない人生 Ravage my body, dismember my limbs, feast on my organs, as I’m awaiting the day. A rotting corpse in disarray , scented by death when my wishes come true. 不安の中、切迫した死を待つ 苦しみが終わりを迎えるのを欲しながら 僕を気休め程度に埋葬してほしい Desecration 殺して 起死回生 暗闇から見えるのは、自らの一部 内から叫び、自由への一歩を求める この声を聞く者はない、 (僕を引き裂いてくれ、死こそが本望だ ) Ravage my body, dismember my limbs, feast on my organs, as I’m awaiting the day. A rotting corpse in disarray , scented by death when my wishes come true. 不安の中、切迫した死を待つ ただ、君が始めたことに終止符を打ち 僕を気休め程度に埋葬してほしい あの日のことを妄想し、はらわたが僕を囲 死の芳香で突如目が覚める ただ僕を包み込むのはしびれ 痛みが消え去り、苦しみから目覚める 動きを忘れた身体が空白の青に溶ける *人生と呼ばれた恐ろしい嘘から逃れる平和* [Translation] All I ask is for you to end what you started, and send me to my shallow grave. We are the echoes of what never was, ensued upon us, a dull pointless life. Ravage my body, dismember my limbs Feast on my organs, as I’m awaiting the day. a rotting corpse in disarray , Scented by death when my wishes come true. Anxiously awaiting my impending death, pleading for the suffering to finally end. and send me to my shallow grave. Desecration. Kill me. Awake from death and return to life. Trapped in the darkness, I can see part of me. Screaming inside, trying to break free. No one can hear me (Please rip me apart, death is all I want.) Ravage my body, dismember my limbs Feast on my organs, as I’m awaiting the day. a rotting corpse in disarray , Scented by death when my wishes come true. Anxiously awaiting my impending death, All I ask is for you to end what you started, and send me to my shallow grave. I dream of the day, my viscera surrounds me. Awakened by the fragrance of death, While my numbness compels me. Relieved from my suffering as my pain fades away. My motionless body staring into the empty sky, *finally finding peace from this dreadful lie we call life.* from Nihil, released October 15, 2016“
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