Solo for I... Zeitgeist ... Natalia Osipova and Edward Watson ...

THE HOTTEST TICKET IN DANCE. “SOLO FOR TWO IS COMING TO NYC AUGUST 7 & 8, 2015 @nycitycenter FEATURING THE WORLDS PRE-EMINENT DANCERS 3 NEW YORK PREMIERES 3 BALLETS 3 COMMISSIONS Zeitgeist proved to be an outstanding example of Alastair Marriott’s work. Marriott’s choreography is varied and shows great understanding of the music he is setting. He made full use of the character and structure of Philip Glass’ Violin Concerto (a beautiful work in its own right and well-worth listening to if you’re not familiar with it), without appearing constrained by it, or merely to imitate the music. Marriott’s choreography for Osipova appears to sho
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