ComfyUI - Professional Product Photography Style

By integrating Segment Anything, ControlNet, and IPAdapter into ComfyUI you can achieve high-quality, professional product photography style that is both efficient and highly customizable ! - Based on GroundingDino and SAM, use semantic string to segment any element in the image. - To ensure that the product’s shape does not change and remains consistent in the generated image, we use ControlNet. - Use IPAdapter to transfer the style of your reference image to the generated image ! “If you have any questions or encounter any problems, please feel free to contact me via email at @. I will be happy to assist you.“ ComfyUI Tutorial, Учебное пособие по ComfyUI, ComfyUI ट्यूटोरियल, Tutoriel ComfyUI, Tutorial ComfyUI, ComfyUI 튜토리얼 *********************************** 🤯 Get my FREE ComfyUI tutorials:  @CgTopTips/vide
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