[Trailer] The Dragon Hunter 異獸之捕龍令 | Adventure Action film 探險動作電影 HD

Synopsis: The adventure action movie “The Dragon Hunter 異獸之捕龍令“ tells a story happened in the late Qing Dynasty. A biological expedition led by Qin Xiaofeng’s father was attacked by a mysterious dragon in Kunmai Mountain and all members disappeared. His father’s friend Xu Yuansheng called a dragon hunting team and Qin Xiaofeng was among them for finding the dragon and saving his father. Then strange things happened frequently along the way. The dragon hunters were killed one after another by the octopus monsters, ghosts, evil trees, corpse ticks and the dragon. They even killed each other because of fear. Also Qin Xiaofeng was kidnapped by a mysterious tribe in the chaos, when he got to know the murder and conspiracy behind the trip... 故事简介: 探险动作电影《异兽之捕龙令 The Dragon Hunter》讲述清末年间,秦晓风父亲带领的生物考察队遭神秘怪龙袭击,全员失踪。父亲挚友徐元生天价赏金召集一支鱼龙混杂的捕龙队入山,秦晓风同往寻龙救父。一路上诡事频发,捕龙勇士们在巨型章鱼怪的疯狂掠食下九死一生,又在荒野秘境中遭遇伥鬼作祟古树食人,尸蜱虫吸血恶龙捕杀等危机,恐惧让他们自相残杀。秦晓风等人在混乱中被神秘部落绑架,却意外得知了这趟屠龙之行暗藏的复仇杀机。等待他们的,究竟是恶龙还是神龙?造成这场残暴屠杀的幕后黑手究竟是谁?一场人龙对抗的浩劫即将撕开阴谋的假面…… 出品 Studio: 杭州戏格传媒 Xige Media. 制片人 Produced by: 席雨晴 Xi Yuqing, 汤雅婷 Tang Yating. 导演 Directed by: 羊柳 Yang Liu, 黄维中 Huang Weizhong. 编剧 Screenplay by: 陶思维 Tao Siwei, 席雨晴 Xi Yuqing. 主演 Starring: 朱杰 Zhu Jie, 释彦能 Shi Yanneng, 黄昊月 Huang Haoyue. 题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #adventure #探险 频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents 1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official: 2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel: 3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official : 4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater 5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:
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