Red Flood Nation Anthems: The Kavkaz Society (Left March and Our March)

[EPILEPSY WARNING THIS VIDEO HAS SOME EXTREMELY FLASHY EFFECTS] Poetic National Anthem of the Kavkaz Society, also known, depending on the paths, as Greater Utopia, Republic of Labour and Virtue, and Etc. Kavkaz Society is a nation of revolutionary poets, artists, writers, thinkers, and visionaries, located within Georgia in the aftermath of the Russian Civil War. They are egalitarian and communist, with a tinge of nationalism to a degree that is acceptable for the development of the country, being a more left-winged and utopian socialist counterpart to Fiume. The nation starts off with Mayakovsky, whom had held the office of chairman for so long through meritocratic means alone. however, others also wanted said position such as Khlebnikov and Mirsky, and both has their own chances to shape the Kavkaz society into their own vision. ---------------------------------- LYRICS IN RUSSIAN: Разворачивайтесь в марше! Словесной не место кляузе. Тише, ораторы! Ваш
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