Xenocide - Xenomorph

Download for free: Alt. Download link: [Download includes Guitar Tab MIDI Artwork] Recorded January 2012 @ Rain City Recorders (Vancouver) Engineered/Edited/Produced by Curtis Buckoll Mastered by Stu McKillop Music written/arranged/tracked by XENOCIDE ©2012 //// Lyrics: //// Bestowed gifts, from the heavens transforms our World overnight! Population decreasing, enigma inherent system. Edge of epiphany, final endeavor, sacrificial subjects. Promises of Freedom. Teleportation. Lies built on top of lies. Momentum and position are impossible to detect One or the other choose wisely as the next few steps matter. My second-self on the other side of the hole staring back at me. Fear rises sharply as my body dissolves into nothing. Emergence on the other side, transposed energy. Vision in the place of smell overwhelming my brain. Reassembly done in error, twisted sense of pain. Digestive tract hanging out for all of Science to see. Xenomorph: missing limbs. Particles obeying entanglement. Cross-bred, through time and space. . mixing with other other-worldly things. Seconds to live, air is poison. Cannot breathe, lungs start to malfunction. Slow demise, strange new realm. The pain above all else a reminder of once being Human. Cannot move, crippling pain. Men of Science fascinated. By my disgusting shame. Sulpher Oxide pumped in. Forced to breathe and live on. Let me just die in peace. Every face etched into my fading memory. Liars! Betrayed in the name of Science. Concentrated gravity into a single point. Portal established in haste. Step on through to seal your fate. Xenomorph x4 Dark Age of Technology begins! //// [download] [merch]
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