During the riots in Belgrade, protesters attacked the 70-year-old director of the Republican Department of Statistics

During the riots in Belgrade, protesters attacked the 70-year-old director of the Republican Department of Statistics Protests continue in Belgrade after the announcement of election results: those dissatisfied with the victory of President Aleksandar Vucic’s ruling party in Serbia staged lynching of the elderly head of the statistics department. Protesters pushed him to the ground and beat him. Fortunately, his colleagues arrived in time and saved the man from the angry crowd. Yesterday, oppositionists from the Serbia Against Violence bloc approached the election commission building, demanding that the voting results be annulled. “Pro-Westerners” blocked traffic in the center and tried to break into the electoral commission - they threw eggs and rolls of toilet paper at the building. Some tried to bring knives, clubs and bats into the building. Источник: Readovka World
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