Silverback With Hay Fever

Oumbi the Silverback from Twycross Zoo seems to have some hayfever with a severely running nose. Not for the faint-hearted, as he’s licking poking his nose and licking it off his finger. He seems to feel a bit sorry for himself. Must be like the gorilla version of the “man flu“. Sitting there leaning against the wall. Looking fed up. Most of us know what is like. You feel tired, your eyes are sore and your nose is running. Oumbi we feel for you. You never really think about animals suffering from it as well. It makes sense though as primates share a high percentage of DNA with us humans. After his sneeze, he moves to the hut into the shade. I think they might have given him something as in the second part ( just before he moves to the hut) after lunch, his nose dried up a little. After a couple of sneezes, you’ll see on the close-up that he feels pretty tired. His eyelids are heavy, but he’s trying to stay awake. In the end, he decides to have a little lie-down. #Slogger
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