NĀDA : DAY 10 | 396Hz | Let Go of Fear & Guilt | 30 Days of Sound Healing | Activate Lower Chakras

Welcome to Day 10 of 30 Day Sound Healing Journey. Today’s frequency vibration is 396Hz . The red energy vibrations. It is the frequency which resonates with lower chakras, especially root chakra. It helps in letting go of fear and guilt. When you meditate along with this session, breathe in deep below your navel. Feel that red energy, any tension in the region. And as you breathe out, release that tension. It really helps if you visualize these lumps of tension in the body as knots. As you breathe out, you are gently opening these knots, freeing yourself from any trapped tension & energy blockages. Do this exercise for atleast 11-15 mins and see how it goes. If you would like to play this track longer or in sleep-mode, you can do so in our app, with Auto-Loop* feature. Also, entire series can be streamed without interruptions and ads for free in the app. We hope today’s track will help you in a positive way. Do let us know how did it go
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