Going To Town Issue Title Is On The Mark (1942)

Part of issue ON THE MARK. Film in various locations. Various shots of couple doing the “Jitterbug“ dance. C/U of dictionary. Various shots unidentified English market town. Various shots of Petticoat Lane market in London. Various shots of ancient city wall of Canterbury. Diagram and drawing of London and River Thames, pointing out city wall and gates (Moorgate, Aldgate etc.). Map imagining Silchester in Hampshire during Roman Times. Various shots of Colchester Castle in Essex. Diagram of an ash tree and a ford explaining town names. Various shots of Ashford, Derbyshire. Various shots of Stratford-upon-Avon showing quaint old houses and cottage of Anne Hathaway. Various shots of Oxford. Diagram showing towns with name that come from rivers they are built on. Map with arrow pointing to Hamm in Germany “where the RAF drop their beautiful eggs“. Animated explosion. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT
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