TNO Custom Super Events: Chinese Reunification 2049 (English ver.)

Timestamps 00:00 - Warning, Introduction and Collapse of China (悲怆奏鸣曲/Sonata Pathétique) Beijing Junta 01:16 - PLA, Statists (祖国不会忘记/The Motherland Will Never Forget) 01:47 - PLA, Militarists (中国军魂/Soul of the Chinese Army) 02:28 - Chinese People’s Party (改变/Change) 03:12 - Centrist Democratic Coalition (英雄的黎明/The Dawn of a Hero) 03:42 - CPC, Orthodox Wing (太阳照常升起/The Sun Also Rises) Chengdu Provisional Government 04:23 - CPC, Good Governance Faction (国家/Country and Family) 04:58 - CPC, Industrialists (时代号子/Work Song of the Era) 05:32 - CPC, People’s Livelihood Faction (走进新时代/Enter the New Era) 06:04 - CPC, Modernists (追梦赤子心/Chasing Dream With a Child’s H
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