#005 Color Circle | Колірний круг. Wet-on-wet watercolor. Waldorf Art.

Basic exercise in wet-on-wet watercolor. Three colors, six paints, at least 18 color hues. Базова вправа у техніці акварелі “вологе по вологому“. Три кольори, шість фарб, не менше ніж 18 відтінків кольору. I will be glad if you have a little time to draw with me))) * If you do not have Stockmar watercolors, you can take some other or even pastel or chalk. The exercises I offer you do not “teach“, they are designed for those who already draw and those who have never even held the brush in their hands. Also, by drawing in this way, you can pause at any time of the exercise or, conversely, continue it or return to it after a while. Therefore, it can be drawn at any age. Just for a child of preschool age, it is enough that 1-2 paints came on the paper, well, the older you are, the more colors and time you devote to your painting ... Good luck! Я буду рада якщо в вас буде трішечки часу помалювати зі мною))) *Коли в вас нема акварелі Stockmar, то можна узяти якусь іншу чи навіть пастель чи крейди. Вправи, які я
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