How To Knit: Bobbles | Brooklyn Tweed

In this Brooklyn Tweed knitting tutorial, learn how to work three types of bobbles to add decorative texture to your knitting. These plump little clusters of stitches can be applied to any type of knitted fabric for a cheerful accent. 0:47 Stockinette Stitch Bobble Featured Pattern: First Cables Hat Steps: 1. [Knit 1, purl 1, knit 1] into the same stitch, turn work (to WS) 2. Slip 1, purl 2, turn work (to RS) 3. Slip 1, knit 2, turn work (to WS) 4. Slip 1, purl 2, turn work (to RS) 5. Slip 1, k2tog, pass slipped stitch from right needle over the stitch just worked.
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