Best of Marshall Zhukov (Jason Issacs) in The Death of Stalin (2017) 1/4 [Eng/Magyar/Esp subs]
The most magnificent entrance in recent cinema history. It’s “that“ scene. Jason Isaacs’s incomparable, scene-stealing appearance in “The Death of Stalin” - all the best moments. Isaacs’s Zhukov dominates every scene he appears in. I think he captures Zhukov’s essence - one of the few men to stand up to Stalin whilst annihilating the Wehrmacht. Rough, brutal, tough, foul-mouthed and a war winner.
On his accent, Isaacs said: “.. because Zhukov is so blunt and so direct and so rude, .. I did a Yorkshire accent, which, in Britain, is shorthand for ‘don’t fuck with me.’
Now, with Magyar and Español subtitles! Thanks to the community!
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Watch this film, now. Video is blocked in Germany. The irony!
© Death of Stalin
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